
Life Sciences & Health Care Continue to Create New Opportunities

In the life sciences and health care industry, ways to create new values that match the needs of our age are being explored as a result of infectious diseases such as COVID-19, societal conditions, and advances in information and communications technology (ICT). This is an industry where innovations are constantly being sought, and the Mitsubishi Group continues to offer avenues leading to a healthier and happier life.

Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings

TOMOCO App Helps Diabetic patients to Improve Their Lifestyle

Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corporation, a Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings (MCHC) group company, and Habitus Care have developed the healthcare application “TOMOCO” and are working together to address the social issue of diabetes. The TOMOCO health management service combines a smartphone application for users and a health guidance portal for assistance staff to provide programs that give targeted health guidance and help patients with diabetes to improve their lifestyle. The app facilitates daily record-keeping of such data as diet, exercise, medication adherence, and blood sugar levels and provides follow-up for action plans. TOMOCO supports efforts to improve lifestyle through treatment at medical facilities and specific health guidance provided by local governments and corporate health insurance associations.

Left: Users can employ their smartphone to daily record diet, exercise, medication, body weight, and other diabetes-related data. This data can be displayed in graph form.
Center: Sharing data entered in the app with guidance-providing nutritionists helps support the optimum care.
Right: Users can choose between 9 concierge characters who encourage them in keeping daily records. With point-scoring games, TOMOCO supports users in modifying their lifestyle.
