
DX: Digital Transformations in Society

Digital Transformation (DX) has long been a mainstream current in society. DX business is currently strong in marketing, logistics, manufacturing, services and other sectors of the economy. DX is the implementation of digital technology to bring changes to products, services and business models that bring about improvements in corporate value and competitiveness, and the Mitsubishi Group is continuing to drive DX forward with a keen eye on the future.

Mitsubishi Electric

Radar-Based Tsunami-Flooding Prediction AI

Mitsubishi Electric has, working in collaboration with the Society for the Promotion of Construction Engineering of the General Incorporated Foundation, developed an artificial intelligence (AI) technology that uses data on a tsunami’s velocity detected by radar to forecast the water inundation depths in surrounding inland areas. The AI incorporates Mitsubishi Electric’s Maisart® AI technology and generates highly accurate predictions just seconds after a tsunami is detected. The company has already developed radar technology that acquires accurate surface flow speed data, but by combining it with Maisart® AI technology the new system can predict inundation depth and area with high precision in a few seconds. This system will support quick tsunami evacuation behavior to reduce human damage in coastal areas.

Mitsubishi Electric's AI creates the State-of-the-ART in technology.

The learning and operation phases of radar-based AI for tsunami inundation depth prediction
