
Energy Solutions for the Future

The world’s energy markets are seeking the creation of solutions that help advance a decarbonized society and solve global warming. With an eye firmly on the future, the Mitsubishi companies are embracing the challenge of creating new mechanisms for the production and optimal control of solar power, hydropower, fuel cells and other renewable energies.

Mitsubishi Materials

A Devotion to Renewable Energy

The Mitsubishi Materials (MMC) group of companies has been engaged in renewable energy in various ways since it started using hydropower for its mines in 1898. With over 120 years in hydroelectric, over 50 years in geothermal and, since 2013, in solar power generation, the group has been creating surprising quantities of power. In recent years, the group has also been looking at expanding into new areas, including the addition of food-waste biogas power stations and the utilization of wood-derived biomass thermal energy. The group is also focusing on business models that combine renewable energy’s three values: as an energy source; its environmental value in reducing CO2 emissions; and its value to the local community.

The Komatagawa No. 4 Hydroelectric Power Plant,
completed in 1953, and Moriyoshi dam
The Onuma Geothermal Power Plant completed in 1974,
Japan’s third geothermal power plant
