
Expanding Activities to Conserve the Future Global Environment

Our sense of danger about climate change is greater than ever before as the damage caused by heat waves, floods, powerful typhoons and drought continues to escalate in all parts of the world. The Mitsubishi Group is engaged in a wide range of initiatives, including prevention of environmental pollution, energy transition and forest management, in order to maintain and sustain the Earth’s irreplaceable environment, and we will continue to ever expand these activities.

Mitsubishi Materials

Appropriate Management Aims for “Materials’ forests”

Mitsubishi Materials (MMC) currently owns around 14,000 hectares of forestland in Japan. The company originally began acquiring forests for the purpose of supplying wooden supports for its own mines and coal mining activities. Currently, under the slogan “Materials’ forests leading the way for forests throughout Japan”, the company is managing these forests for the purpose of harnessing their ecosystem services to a high degree. Those services include not only the production of lumber as a renewable resource but also the provision of public recreational spaces, the prevention of global warming through carbon capture and fixation, and biodiversity conservation. The company divides its forests into four categories (zones) depending on their location, topography, growth potential, need for conservation and other features so as to maximize the functions they are expected to fulfill. The company will continue to contribute to a decarbonized society, a recycling-oriented society, local communities, and the conservation of biodiversity through appropriate forest management and effective utilization.

Japan’s largest woodpecker, this Black Woodpecker is an endangered species.
The company makes reference to and borrows from Swiss “close-to-nature” silviculture methods and invites Swiss foresters to Japan to participate in its forestry management.
Teine Forest in Sapporo City, Hokkaido.
The company makes part of the forest, with its nature trails and camping sites, available to those living in Sapporo City.
