World Scope

Mitsubishi Electric


Mitsubishi Electric was recently licensed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) to operate local 5G mobile communications, and on June 30 it established the 5G OPEN INNOVATION LAB™ at the company’s Information Technology R&D Center in Kamakura. The MIC sanctioned the private use of local 5G systems by enterprises and municipalities in December 2019, and then added to this the sub-6 GHz band (4.6 GHz–4.9 GHz) for the construction of high-convenience wide-area local 5G systems in December 2020. The company will collaborate with customers and partner companies in research and demonstrations using 4.8 GHz to 4.9 GHz frequencies in the sub-6 band with the aim of creating new business opportunities and services. This will enable verification comparisons with Wi-Fi 6, private LTE and other wireless systems.

Further market expansion is expected with the opening of the 5G OPEN INNOVATION LAB™,
which will provide an environment for the use of local 5G-based solutions.
