Mitsubishi Monitor


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from Brazil  

My Life in Brazil

Myself & AGC

I graduated in Mechanical & Safety Engineering with Master Degrees in Industrial & Product Development Engineering and MBA on Strategic Business, recently graduated on AGC University in USA (October 2022). I’ve being working within Automotive Industry since my graduation in Mechanical Engineering (1992) where I had the opportunity to develop an international career learning different global cultures and mind set. I have joined AGC Automotive in Brazil on March 13th of 2019. I was attracted by AGC Values & Vision very well represented by those people that interviewed me (many people and many interviews). Our team’s main challenge is to anticipate market trends driven by macroeconomic & automotive market factors with a strong network with Regional OEMs translating & facilitating it to our operations. In 2020 AGC closed our office in São Paulo due to Pandemic situation so I moved to live close to AGC Manufacturing Plant, located in Guaratinguetá (state of São Paulo). The region has a benefit of its geographic location close to the North Coast area of the state and even closer to the mountains, which supports what I like to do most which is to travel and face different experiences. My family is my base and my daughter is my light, she just reached her 17th birthday but has taught me so much along her life.

Picture of my daughter & myself

AGC University with AGC teammates

Picture of my daughter & myself

AGC University with AGC teammates

The Beauty of Brazil

Exotic Birds
photo: AFLO

Dunes in Maranhão
photo: AFLO

São Paulo City
photo: AFLO

Dunes in Maranhão
photo: AFLO

São Paulo City
photo: AFLO

Brazil is the largest country in South America and has the 4th lower inflation rate within G20 countries in 2022. Brazil’s territory has the largest rainforest and the largest river in the world, Brazil is a country with jaw-dropping landscapes. From amber sand dunes to crystal-clear rivers surrounded by scarlet macaws, its natural beauty is the kind you only believe by seeing.

AGC from young to mature enterprise (2013 – 2022)

AGC is located between São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro cities (Guaratinguetá), supported by a strong road structure and the largest gas line in the country. Guaratinguetá foundation was on June 13rd of 1630 marked by a chapel built in straw and hand-walled and was elevated to a category of city in 1844. AGC South America carries 03 Business Units (Automotive, Architecture and Chemicals) in addition to 01 FBS (Administrative Service to Business Units) that support us all. We do have a customer driven organization and are enhancing our Business Model wealth. In the past three years we’ve been through several critical challenges but most importantly we’ve been continually recognized by our Customers and AGC with significant awards that range from “Toyota Best Supplier” up to “AGC-ness Award in 2022” (making us the first AGC organization in the globe to be recognized with such important awards).